Daniel McTague

Author Archives for Daniel McTague

Re-imagining Roaming QoS with Quality Operations Centre

June 3, 2024 11:23 am Published by Comments Off on Re-imagining Roaming QoS with Quality Operations Centre

Following our success in the 2023 iteration of the Rocco Hackathons, where we took home the gold in both the roaming and messaging competitions, we were eagerly awaiting the return of the competition in 2024. The hackathon format encourages quick thinking, creativity, ambition and innovation. These traits are parts of the DNA in Cellusys, making this competition a particular favourite of ours.

5G Steering

April 29, 2021 7:54 pm Published by Comments Off on 5G Steering

We frequently see marketing from MNOs about the availability of 5G services, and also the announcement of 5G roaming agreements... View Article

MNOs Slaying Their Golden Goose in A2P by not Securing SMS

July 22, 2020 1:30 am Published by Comments Off on MNOs Slaying Their Golden Goose in A2P by not Securing SMS

Many operators seem to want it both ways: they want everyone to use SMS for 2FA, and reap the rewards in revenue - but at first sign of a security issue, the response is “SMS isn’t secure anyway.”