Roam Insight

To make better business decisions and roaming policies, you need to know more than where your roamers are — You need to know what they are doing. Roam Insight combines location data with subscriber data consumption metrics, to give you highly accurate QoS metrics, global data roaming volumes, and more. Realtime visibility of all roaming traffic improves negotiations, business intelligence, and subscriber experience. 

  • Complete view of inbound and outbound traffic
  • Realtime – No waiting on TAP files
  • Improve QoS of data and VoLTE for outbound roamers
  • Engage silent roamers and detect inbound IoT devices
  • Steer by data usage and quality instead of subscriber count 
  • See data volumes by roaming partner, subscriber, group, application, and more

Steering for Quality

Realtime data distribution enables steering based on available network types. Determine networks with the best quality for data and VoLTE calling, and steer away from networks with detectable data and VoLTE quality problems to ensure subscribers always have a high-quality roaming experience. 

Improve Negotiations and Reconciliation 

Accurate reporting of data volumes improves wholesale volume reconciliation. Group high-value roamers, or even profile and group subscribers based on usage of specific applications. Identify  which networks generate the highest traffic, which apps or services are used most by inbound/outbound roamers. Leverage the accuracy of this reporting in future negotiations and adjust steering targets and accuracy in forecasting discount agreement fulfillment.

Improve Quality of Service

Verify uptime and other quality metrics for both inbound and outbound roamers and leverage this accurate reporting in wholesale negotiations. Full visibility allows you to monitor the quality experienced by VIP subscribers or groups, receive alerts when errors are detected, and drill down to investigate anomalies. 

Silent Roamers and IoT Detection

Silent roamers and permanent roaming devices are a drain on network resources and do not generate billable usage. Detect and group silent inbound roamers with full visibility of real time data usage per subscriber, and engage these users through targeted marketing campaigns. Inbound IoT devices can be detected and monitored at an individual or group level over time to categorise permanent roaming devices as well as devices that use a low volume of data or no data for further action.

All Networks

Network performance, subscriber usage, and IoT can all be effectively monitored across 2G. 3G, 4G (and soon 5G). 

Insight can be deployed virtually, eliminating the need for additional hardware installation. 

Uses REST API for incoming data

Broadband analytics can be configured for specific use cases such as IoT networks, or function as a passive probe able to gather and send data to other systems.

Uses 0MQ for integration

Powerful Agility

Equipped with a versatile range of options and filters to choose from, you can be sure to have the most accurate information about your network traffic and user data patterns at your fingertips.

Everyone on your team can be provided proper access levels to customise reports and real-time alerts for crucial KPIs to suit their individual needs (no matter their level of technical expertise) thanks to the intuitive GUI. A detailed audit log provides accountability and aides troubleshooting. 

Easily set alerts or publish reports as broad as traffic overview or drill down to monitor an individual IMSI. Troubleshoot connectivity complaints and monitor data transmission with the touch of a button.


Multi-tenancy options allows your enterprise customers access to their own data and usage information through separate “virtual applications” based on levels of permissions granted by user or group.

Signalling Providers and Signalling Hubs

Signalling is your business — at least know what you’re doing. We have provided many Tier 1 signalling hubs with the capability to control and secure their signalling.

Take us for a spin

See about a demo of Cellusys roaming products on your network