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Revenue Optimisation

What can Cellusys do for your bottom line?

There are many ways our systems can help you increase revenue and boost profits. Our technologies allow precision control over your network and roaming traffic, detailed analysis and reporting, and comprehensive monetisation strategies.

A2P Monetisation

Shut down grey routes and force SMS to terminate over official routes thereby eliminating revenue leakage due to SIM farms and other forms of A2P fraud.

Aggregators and enterprises employ several methods to bypass the official A2P channels for which they are charged a higher rate. You need a sophisticated and effective way to categorise SMS traffic and enforce A2P policies in order to safeguard this lucrative revenue stream.


Make the most out of your roaming agreements by hitting targets and maintaining control over outbound roamers without sacrificing quality of service. Negotiate with more leverage thanks to detailed reports that give you a window into roaming traffic patterns, usage history, and quality of service of partner networks.

  • Engage silent inbound roamers with informative, targeted SMS campaigns to increase inbound traffic 
  • Increase outbound roaming revenue and negotiate better rates by relaying rates and other information to encourage roaming on partner networks
  • Increase tertiary revenue by offering targeted advertising opportunities to commercial partners


Mobile Broadband Analytics

Advanced analytics give you even more detailed insight into data usage and traffic. Real-time KPIs and long-term reporting can be used to analyse costs and revenue, offer targeted campaigns, and negotiate better agreements for roaming and IoT.

Monitor, group, and filter using roaming networks, operators or countries. Service usage hotspots, traffic by operator or country, and PDP success rates can all be effectively monitored.


Signalling Firewall

Improved security is an investment against lawsuits and revenue loss due to reputational damage and negative press. Improving subscriber experience and offering best in class security leads to loyal subscribers and decreases subscriber churn.

Managed Services

Managed services free up your own people to focus on bigger ideas and leave the day-to-day management to our experts.

  • A managed service can help take the pressure off managing difficult transitions and accessing the skilled resources required in a complex communications world. 
  • Outsourcing firewall management also reduces human resources and training costs. 
  • Depending on the needs of your network, you can achieve predictable monthly costs or convert Opex costs to Capex costs.

Customised solutions to maximise revenues in your network

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