Cellusys Voted #1 Signalling Firewall Vendor in Independent 2021 Rocco Report
4th consecutive year in Tier 1 and winner in 35/36 benchmarks

DUBLIN, IRELAND, IRELAND, March 26, 2021 – Mobile operators surveyed globally have selected Cellusys once again as the top signalling firewall vendor, outperforming all other vendors in nearly every category.

“For the fourth consecutive year MNOs have rated Cellusys as a Tier One vendor in the ROCCO Signalling Firewall Vendors Benchmarking Report. Competition was very tough between vendors in this year’s research, but ROCCO would like to congratulate Cellusys for its continued success and the added achievement of being ranked 1st in this report,” Jason Bryan, CEO of Rocco Research commented. “Clearly Cellusys is a company which MNOs admire and enjoy working with.”
Unlike other reports, the Rocco research is based on a survey of mobile network users of the various security solutions on the market. Industry reports such as this are intended to provide valuable insight to mobile network operators looking toward investment in new technology. The report includes KPIs for performance and leadership as well as other metrics such as value for money and technical expertise.
Cellusys ranked first in 35 out of 36 categories and scored a perfect 5/5 in 27 of these including reliability, SS7 attack types, and hubbing solutions. The Net Promoter Score, in which Cellusys was rated at 100, indicates strong customer advocacy. The other Tier 1 vendors received only neutral or negative scores. Customer satisfaction was also demonstrated in the question as to whether the operator would change vendors, to which 100% of respondents said they would not because they are satisfied with Cellusys.

The Cellusys Unified Signalling Firewall has the distinction in the market of being the first to market for SS7, Diameter, GTP and SIP protocols. Unlike many firewalls, the system uses cross-protocol analysis and internal correlation to mitigate complex threat scenarios including Category 0,1,2, and 3 threats as outlined in GSMA recommendations. Cellusys received a perfect score (5/5) for GSMA compliance. Peter Morgan, one of the original developers of the firewall, and now Head of Managed Services at Cellusys was not surprised by the result “We were the first to market with the firewall, and it is incredibly rewarding to know that six years later, our customers still consider it not just first, but also the best on the market,” said Morgan, “It is a testament to our commitment to quality and consistent improvement based on user experience.”
Mobile networks face thousands of attacks every day including denial of service, location tracking, SMS spam, smishing, call spoofing and many more. An increasing frequency of media attention puts added pressure on networks to protect their subscribers. Regulators in many countries have also begun to implement higher security standards as well as quality and availability of service requirements, with attendant penalties for non-compliance and service interruptions. The need for effective security solutions has never been more requisite.
Cellusys revolutionised telecom security with the introduction of the signalling firewall in 2014. Cellusys has grown to become a Tier 1 telecom solutions provider, offering mobile networks solutions for signaling security, A2P monetisation, roaming, IP analytics, and IoT. Cellusys systems improve quality of service and security for over 800 million subscribers worldwide, and make mobile networks more secure, intelligent and profitable.
Tags: rocco., sfw, signalling security