December 22, 2020
Virtual Event – Sizing the Signalling Security Threat to Operators
Join Kaleido Intelligence and Cellusys for a free webinar addressing the current state of mobile network security and how Operators can ensure best-in-class protection from a world of evolving tech threats.
Participants will receive a copy of the report as well as the webinar deck
Thursday, January 28, 2021 15:00 GMT (London)
- Brendan Cleary, CEO: Cellusys
- Steffen Sorrell, Chief of Research: Kaleido Intelligence
- Daniel McTague, CTO: Cellusys
Sizing the operator challenge: security survey findings
- How mobile networks are evolving
- How operators perceive and implement signalling security
- Are operators vulnerable to security threats
Key technical and organisational innovation to achieve security
- New challenges faced by security teams
- Emerging attack techniques
- Best practices and defense strategies for complex attacks
– Live Q&A
The webinar will be a perfect opportunity for Operators to assess their approach to Signalling security alongside the survey findings while learning from Cellusys on the challenges they perceive impacting Operators now and in the future.
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