Call Fraud – Find Faster, Fix Faster

Robocalls and other nuisance voice traffic are bad for business. In addition to old school fraud like Wangiri and IRSF, MNOs need to be prepared for all the ways fraudsters are using data to bypass voice rates, voice to bypass SMS, and SIP to spoof everything. From flash calls to OTT bypass, call fraud is a major factor in revenue assurance. We will discuss the drivers of emerging threats and trends in call fraud, the current impacts of these frauds, and what operators can do to insulate themselves and protect revenues this year and into 2023.

You will learn: 

  • New fraud types that are already eating the most revenue in 2022
  • How ML and AI are effective and when they are just buzzwords
  • How to minimise attack window between fraud occurrence and action
If you are unable to attend, register now to receive a recording of the session.

Daniel McTague | CTO – Cellusys

Daniel joined Cellusys as a Software Engineer in 2009, and has been instrumental in building the company’s industry-leading Security and Roaming products. As the CTO of Cellusys since 2017, he leads research into new areas such as VoLTE and 5G, as well as ongoing research and solutions to address the continuous evolution of signalling security threats and fraud faced by CSPs.

Shashank Reddy | CTO – Mobius

Shashank Reddy joined Mobius Wireless in 2010 as the Chief Technology Officer and is responsible for the solution design and integration approach for all Mobius products at Mobile operators. He is actively involved with the creation of various offerings tailored for customer requirements and ensuring that project KPI’s are met.  Shashank has extensive experience working with technical counterparts in mobile operators/vendors worldwide to identify gaps/new trends and design innovative solutions.  Before joining Mobius, Shashank worked in lead positions at companies like Cisco, Siemens, Clareos, BellCore ( iconectiv) largely focused in the telecom space and dealing with high performance big data/cloud solutions.
When he is not engaged with his team solving customer issues, Shashank enjoys going on walks with his dog and spending time with his family vacationing.