
Future of Roaming: Data-Driven Control

Every industry is embracing the use of data to make the best possible decisions, and the telco space is no different. A more globalised, contextualised view of roaming traffic is key to the highest levels of quality and accuracy, especially moving to VoLTE and 5G roaming. 

There has always been a need to control roaming. Operators want to ensure their roamers roam with the most commercially favourable networks, or that their subscribers roam with a particular network where the quality of service is expected to be higher. They normally assert this control using a Steering of Roaming (SoR) system. An SoR system will typically operate in 2 different ways:

Control and Steering by Data

With 5G Standalone coming, SoR systems will need to support this as well, but conceptually the manner in which the device is steered to the desired network remains the same.

The world of roaming has evolved significantly since SoR systems were first deployed. Back then it was all about voice and SMS. Today, it is extremely data-centric, with additional complexities introduced by new technologies like VoLTE. Operators need a level of control on roaming that reflects these new realities.

SoR systems, as they are, remain entirely capable of controlling which networks a subscriber is roaming on. The techniques described above are effective in getting the subscriber to the correct network. 

But what is the correct network? 

This is not as clear as it may once have been. To really understand which network is “correct”, a global view of roaming is needed. This global view should be used to arrive at a good data-driven decision about which network a subscriber should be steered towards. There is no one size fits all – each subscriber faces unique circumstances, and this must be considered in any decision about the right network for that subscriber. 

Typically an SoR system makes decisions based on MAP and Diameter signalling. But this only tells part of the picture. If a subscriber is not able to get service on the preferred network, the SoR system can detect this based on MAP/Diameter signalling. It can then take immediate action to ensure that they can get service somewhere. But what if the subscriber fails to establish a data connection? Or they fail to register for VoLTE? From the SoR point of view, it has done its job of getting the subscriber to the right network, but it does not see further issues experienced by the subscriber. Ideally SoR would see such issues and take action to solve the problem. 

Global View of Data

This is where a global view of roaming is required. 

We need to be able to see everything that is happening in the roaming landscape to drive good decisions – visibility on a subset of protocols (MAP/Diameter) is no longer sufficient.

A global view of roaming means seeing all signalling and data related to roaming. This includes MAP and Diameter as we have today. It will include HTTP/2 when 5G Standalone is adopted for roaming. It includes GTP-C for setting up data sessions. It includes GTP-U for seeing services being used by roaming subscribers and volumes being used on each network. It includes SIP signalling for monitoring VoLTE registrations in the IMS. Any signalling related to roaming should be considered for detecting problems and making better decisions about how to control roaming. More data, with more context, and better decisions are needed for the benefit of the operator and for the benefit of their subscribers.

Use Cases

Let’s take a look at some use cases enabled by this kind of holistic roaming view:

Quality of Service

Commercial and Fraud


These are a small subset of use cases enabled by acquiring such a global view of roaming, many other use cases could be imagined. With the increasing complexities involved in roaming, this kind of holistic view will become essential, along with the ability to take action on this intelligence. By using this data to make better informed decisions based on a complete view of the roaming landscape, we can ensure that roaming can always be optimised between commercial and quality requirements.

Data Roaming Solutions

The Cellusys Roam Insight product provides this global visibility of roaming. The platform provides powerful roaming analytics, and the integration of this module with the Cellusys Steering of Roaming Platform makes these analytics immediately actionable. 

Together these products offer operators a single point of visibility for roaming analytics, and a single point of control for roaming that will enable them to meet their roaming needs into the future.